An anthology of horror and horror-comedy comic strips created by P M Buchan and a range of some of the world’s brightest emerging comic creators, including Martin Simmonds (IDW/Black Crown - Punks Not Dead), and Leonie O’Moore, featured in Heavy Metal Magazine, as well as acclaimed horror artists such as D W Frydendall (Dark Horse - Creepy, White Wolf - The World of Darkness series).
P M Buchan’s HANGOVER comes packed with 32 pages of Satanism, cannibalism and alcohol abuse, and includes Buchan and Martin Simmond’s out-of-print strips All Roads Lead To Hell and Embrace the Dark. Other featured artists include Phillip Marsden (Kerrang! Magazine), David Wynne (Markosia: Hypergirl), INDIO (2000AD - D.R. & Quinch Hijack Free Comic Book Day), Chris Doherty (Video Nasties), M D Penman (Eimurian Tales), James Lawrence (The Legend of La Mariposa), Anna Fitzpatrick (Black Moth Eyes - Alien Heart), and Kate Holden (Tokyopop Rising Stars of Manga finalist and Manga Jiman competition winner). HANGOVER cover, logo and book design by Mike Stock.